Under a tree’s shade, a mommy camel and her little one relaxed. They sat against the natural background.
The baby camel spoke up, “Mom, why do camels have humps?”
Thinking for a moment, the mom camel said, “Well, sweetie, because we live in the desert, our humps store water. This helps us survive with only a little water in our tough home.”
Considering this, the baby camel asked, “Okay, but why are our legs long, and our feet rounded?”
The mom explained, “Our long legs and rounded feet are good for walking in the desert. They help us move around the sandy land.”
Taking a pause to think, the little camel questioned, “And what about our long eyelashes? Sometimes they bother me.”
With care, the mom replied, “Those long, thick eyelashes protect your eyes from the desert sand, especially when the wind is blowing.”
After a short break, the camel said, “I get it now. The hump stores water in the desert, the legs help us walk in the desert, and the eyelashes save my eyes from the desert. But why are we in a Zoo?”
In this strange place, the mom camel sighed, understanding the odd situation. She silently thought about the zoo’s controlled setting and the challenges of their desert home.
Moral of the story
Your skill or ability becomes significant only when you find yourself in a position where you can effectively apply it.