Once upon a time, in a secret place surrounded by high mountains, there was a baby bird named Pip.
Pip was not like his brothers and sisters; while they could easily fly through the sky, Pip found it hard.
His wings were small, and whenever he tried to fly, he fell awkwardly.
Feeling sad, Pip spent his days sitting on the edge of the valley, watching his brothers and sisters play in the clouds.
He felt jealous and insecure.
One day, an old owl named Hoot noticed how unhappy Pip was.
Hoot landed beside him and asked, “Why are you so sad, little bird?” Pip told him everything, explaining how his weak wings prevented him from flying properly.
Hoot listened carefully and then said, “Pip, even though your wings are small, you have a strong heart. Look around you.”
Pip looked around the valley and saw many beautiful flowers and fruit trees. “But what does that have to do with flying?” he asked.
Hoot smiled and replied, “You see, Pip, not everyone needs to fly high in the sky. You have your own strengths. Your small size allows you to move easily between branches, picking the best berries and gathering sweet pollen. You can reach places your siblings can’t.”
For the first time, Pip felt hopeful. He had never thought that being small could be a good thing. Hoot continued, “Strength can be shown in many ways, Pip. It’s not just about flying high, it’s about using your special talents to get through life.”
Inspired by Hoot’s words, Pip practiced moving between branches and got better at it.
He learned to find the ripest berries and the most hidden flowers.
Soon, his siblings were jealous of him, not because he could fly so well, but because he could find the tastiest food.
Moral of the story
True success comes from discovering and using your own talents, not from trying to be like others.